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From antiquity to today, clay has been a primary source for artistic expression. In my
well-equipped clay studio and under the guidance of an experienced ceramic artist,
students explore form and design through the study of hand building, and surface and
glazing techniques.

Creating with Clay
Learn about the art of pottery. Create a clay mask and a variety of clay pots using coil,
slab and pinch methods of construction. The fundamental skills of working with clay will
be taught and each student will have the opportunity to have fun while completing
several glazed pieces.

Hand Building
Learn the fundamental skills of hand-building clay. Whether exploring tile making or
free form ceramic sculpture, a wide variety of hand-building and glaze techniques will be
demonstrated, giving each student the opportunity to have fun while completing their
own glazed pieces.

Figure Sculpture
Sculpture of the human and animal figure in proportion. Students will be free to pursue
abstract sculpture after they have mastered basic figure sculpting. Students can work
with a solid clay piece and learn how to cut, hollow and re-build their pieces. Or they can
explore the art of slab building. Each student will have at least one figure fired and

Clay Mania
Pinch and pull, roll and pound, add and subtract.  Let your imagination flow.  Explore the
many possibilities of combining simple forms to make vases and creatures and bowls --
containers of all kinds!  Glaze and fire your piece to finish it!

The Magic of Clay
Explore the many wonders of manipulating clay.  Make pinch pots, coil pots, slab vessels
and tiles.  Add texture, make molds and then finish and fire your work.  Come have fun
in the wonderful, messy, muddy world of clay.

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